waag.social is een van de vele onafhankelijke Mastodon-servers die je kunt gebruiken om deel te nemen aan de fediverse.
Technology for People, not Profit.

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Mes collègues du @GTnum dont @bmarne participent aujourd'hui à une journée de travail, à Grenoble 🏔, organisé par l' @inria

Ils travaillent sur la conception du #Mooc "Comment collaborer et produire du contenu pédagogique grâce à la forge" et présentent aussi les avancées du projet #GTnumForges. Merci à eux !

En savoir plus sur la Forge : docs.forge.apps.education.fr/
Pour en savoir plus sur le projet #GTnumForges : lium.univ-lemans.fr/gtnum-forg


MOOC "Data-Driven Learning" voor L&D-professionals
Binnenkort gaat de massive open online course (MOOC) “Data-Driven Learning” van start, georganiseerd door Next Learning Valley. Deze online cursus is ontworpen voor professionals op het gebied van leren en ontwikkelen (L&D). Deze kosteloze, Engelstalige MOOC gaat van start op 1 mei 2024 en duurt vier weken.
#learninganalytics #learninganddevelopment #massiveopenonlinecourse #mooc #datascience #edutoot

Guten Morgen
Guten Mittag
Guten Abend

Ab heute dem ersten Februar zwanzigvierundzwanzig 👌
bespielen wir vom Orgateam der #clc diesen speziellen #mastodon Account

Hier erfährst du Inhalte zum
Also dem #corporate #learning

@wikipedia beschreibt einen #mooc hier de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massiv

Spezielle Variante von dem Event, welches ab 16.02. Bis 14.03. Stattfindet, haben wir hier niedergeschrieben


*✍️ mir ruhig, bei Fragen

de.m.wikipedia.orgMassive Open Online Course – Wikipedia

Why is the sea vital for us?

Living mostly in urban areas, we still depend on the oceans. They are central to human societies, hosting large biodiversity, providing us with abundant resources, and creating important job opportunities.

Just look at the shear size of the oceans!

Let's spin the earth to where the oceans shape our globe!

Our earth is a world of water: try it yourself:


🗓️ April@w3c: #WoT meetup, W3Cx #MOOC, #W3CWorkshop

4 Apr.: The W3C Web of Things #CommunityGroup organizes a meetup on "Automated Industrial Asset Onboarding Using Open Standards" #WoT #IoT #interoperability w3.org/events/meetings/322db7e

11 Apr.: Join a new session of the W3C #HTML5 and #CSS Fundamentals on W3Cx/edXonline course edx.org/course/html5-and-css-f

24 Apr.: Deadline to submit a statement of interest to the "Secure the Web Forward" #W3CWorkshop w3.org/2023/03/secure-the-web-

www.w3.orgWoT CG Meetup 6 - Automated Industrial Asset Onboarding Using Open Standards

For any who may be interested, #ECMWF is running a #MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on #MachineLearning in #Weather and #Climate.

Weekly instalments are being released, each of which takes a couple of hours to work through.

Tier 1 is almost complete and has been mostly an introduction to the basic concepts of #modelling and #ML. Tier 2 and Tier 3 go deeper.

I highly recommend it - see details at lms.ecmwf.int

lms.ecmwf.intMOOC Machine Learning in Weather & Climate

The #dataprotection #MOOC is going to be launched on the 17.01.2023! It is a free online course on data protection law.

After the video recording with my co-producers Tuulia Honkasalo and Sam Wrigley, came the editing phase in late autumn.

The course will be available via https://digicampus .fi/

We are going to have a little launch event University of Helsinki - please DM me or comment and I will send you an invitation. It is on the 17.01. at 15.00. #data #law #university